CDCB Accepted International IDs¶
- Table of contents
- CDCB Accepted International IDs
Currently accepted country codes¶
ARE | United Arab Emirates | SVK | Slovakia | |
ARG | Argentina | SVN | Slovenia | |
AUS | Australia | SWE | Sweden | |
AUT | Austria | THA | Thailand | |
BEL | Belgium | TUN | Tunisia | |
BGR | Bulgaria | TUR | Turkey | |
BIH | Boznia and Herzegowina | TWN | Taiwan Province of China | |
BLR | Belarus | UKR | Ukraine | |
BRA | Brazil | URY | Uruguay | |
CAN | Canada | USA | United States of America | |
CHE | Switzerland | VNM | Vietnam | |
CHL | Chile | YUG | Yugoslavia | |
CHN | China | ZAF | South Africa | |
COL | Colombia | ZMB | Zambia | |
CRI | Costa Rica | ZWE | Zimbabwe | |
CYP | Cyprus | 124 | Canada | |
CZE | Czech. Republic | 586 | Pakistan | |
DEU | Germany | 682 | Saudi Arabia | |
DNK | Denmark | 840 | United States of America | |
DOM | Dominican Republic | 900 | Shared | |
ECU | Ecuador | 937 | OS ID | |
EGY | Egypt | 942 | ZTags | |
ESP | Spain | 949 | Y-Tex | |
EST | Estonia | 951 | Leader | |
FIN | Finland | 953 | Cromasa | |
FRA | France | 954 | Reyflex | |
GBR | Great Britain | 964 | Datamars | |
GRC | Greece | 969 | Caisley | |
GTM | Guatemala | 971 | DeLaval | |
HRV | Croatia | 977 | Avid ID | |
HUN | Hungary | 982 | Allflex | |
IDN | Indonesia | 984 | Nedap | |
IND | India | 985 | Destron Fearing | |
IRL | Ireland | 988 | Temple | |
IRN | Iran (Suspended due to US embargo) | 991 | WUXI FOFIA Tech | |
ISR | Israel | 999 | AIPL assigned IDs | |
ITA | Italy | |||
JPN | Japan | |||
JOR | Jordan | |||
KAZ | Kazakhstan | |||
KEN | Kenya | |||
KOR | South Korea | |||
LBN | Lebanon | |||
LTU | Lithuania | |||
LUX | Luxembourg | |||
LVA | Latvia | |||
MEX | Mexico | |||
MAR | Morocco | |||
NLD | Netherlands | |||
NOR | Norway | |||
NZL | New Zealand | |||
PAK | Pakistan | |||
PER | Peru | |||
POL | Poland | |||
PRT | Portugal | |||
PRY | Paraguay | |||
ROU | Romania | |||
RUS | Russia | |||
SAU | Saudi Arabia | |||
SRB | Serbia |
- Australian international ID is 19 characters long.
- Breed (3 char) Note 1
- Country (3 char) - See Currently accepted country codes
- Sex (M/F) Note 2
- ID (12 char). For Australian animals this ID is 3 Zeros + National ID
- For most breeds, the National ID is: 'A' followed by a number right justified with leading zeros
- For most young Holsteins bulls, National ID is: 'H' followed by a number (Herdbook) right justified with leading zeros
- There are two possible sources of National ID for Holstein cows:
- The number corresponds with HerdBook number (H00827147)
- In cases where the animal has 2 similar IDs (without H and with H), both IDs will be cross-referenced and the ID with the included H will be set as the preferred ID.
- When the cow is registered on a Herd Recording System prior to registration with Holstein Friesian association the form is W99002705
- Australian 17 bytes IDs for unregistered Holstein (eg: HOAUS000HU1913980)
- Breed code (2 char) - HO
- Country code (3 chr) - AUS
- Holstein Unregistered (5 bytes) - 000HU for Holstein Unregistered
- Year (2 digits) - eg: 19
- Sequential number within year (5 digits) - eg: 13980
The range of numbers for animals registered in Canada are as follows:- For animals registered prior to January 1, 1990
- Male registration numbers ranged from 1 to 406,669
- Female registration numbers ranged from 1 to 4,851,490
- For animals registered after January 1, 1990
- Male & female registration numbers started at 5,000,000
- 5,000,000 to 9,999,999
- 10,000,000 to 10,499,999 - reserved for CLRC (tattoos/RFID)
- 10,500,000 to 99,999,999 - reserved for Holsteins (sketch/photo/RFID)
- 100,000,000 to 104,499,999 - new series of numbers assigned to ATQi tags
- 105,000,000 to 139,000,000 - not assigned to any HO animal (communication from HOCAN)
- 140,000,000 to 299,999,999 - not reserved for any specific breed/company)
Registration standard in China ( is:- breed code (2 characters for different breed)
- country code (CHN)
- gender code (F, M)
- 12 digit numeric ID:
- for females: area code (2), farm code (4, decided by government including both digits and characters), birth year code (2, last 2 digits of the birth year), farm management code (4, according to farm decision). e.g. HOCHNF102010114027
- for males: "0000" and a 8 digit code reflecting: bull station code (3, decided by national farm buro and published), birth year code (2, last 2 digits of the birth year) + bull station management code (3, according to bull station). e.g. HOCHNM000031115187
Danish animals have 5-6 digit herd number and 5 digit animal number within-herd in their ear tag which is unique across breed and gender.
Danish ID used by females and unregistered males and those numbers are unique across breeds in a range of 10000-00001 to 999999-99999.
The registered bulls are given herdbook numbers in the range of 1000-400000.
- Danish 17 bytes IDs for Holstein bull (eg: HODNK000000001000 where 1000 is a herdbook number)
- Danish 17 bytes IDs for Jersey female or unregistered bull (eg: JEDNK000012000000 where 12000000 is herd number + tag number)
Animals from Finland (country code=FIN) that have a breed code of SR, RD, and NR are treated as AY .
UK has adopted the international ID system:- Breed (3 char) Note 1
- Country (3 char) - See Currently accepted country codes
- Sex (M/F) Note 2
- ID (12 char)
Uniqueness across sex and breed are required
- Breed code: 2 letters
- Country code: 3 letters (JPN)
- ID: (unique 12 char)
The national ID structure of Mexico was defined by SINIIGA. The 17 digits registration IDs are constructed as below
- Breed code: 2 letters
- country code: 3 letters (MEX)
- Species code: 2 digits (Always "00" for bovine)
- Location code: 2 digits (ranges from 01-32 where 00 indicates "imported" animal)
- Sequential number within the state: 8 digits
- Ex:
HOMEX001234567891 where 00 =bovine 12 =location 34567891 =sequential ID within the state
New Zealand ID system normally comprises:
- Breed code: 2 letters
- Country code: 3 letters (NZL)
- Herd Code: 4 letters
- Birth year: 4 digits
- Sequence of calving in the corresponding year: 4 digits
- Ex: JENZLKHJG20050001
This system has some variations, especially for leading zeros, but the logic follows mostly this rule
- OBS: CDCB only requires Breed code (2 letters), Country code (3 letters) + 12 characters (only numeric or a mix of letters and numbers) ID to be accepted as a valid ID for New Zealand individuals. However, we encourage the adoption of the previously described system for New Zealand animals.
The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture identification system follows the specifications documented here: (note, documents are in Spanish):
For animals born before June 30, 2025:
For animals born on or after June 30, 2025:
Spanish RFIDs codes (also known as sanitary codes) are initially formatted as outlined in the documentation above from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture:
ES 2-byte species code
2-byte community code
8-byte individual code
In submissions to CDCB, the country code should be ESP, and the ID should be formatted as follows:2-byte breed code
( where X is a number 0-9) 2-byte community code
8-byte individual code
Spanish Genealogical IDs are distributed by CONAFE (Holstein Breed Association of Spain). The IDs 12-byte identification code always start with 00:
HO ESP 00 10-byte individual code
Swiss ID numbers which can be found on online pedigrees produced by Holstein Switzerland include a test digit appended at the end of the original number and shouldn’t be used for an international exchange of pedigree information.
- Ex:
HOCHE000012529327 (International)
HOCHE0000125293270 (Holstein Switzerland has one extra number for confirmation, in this case "0")
A general rule is that IDs with ID number higher than 003001000002 should have a country code of 840, whereas ID numbers from 003000000000 to 003001000002 could have either USA or 840 as country code, but USA is unlikely to be correct so it must be confirmed by the source.The country code of 840 was introduced with the implementation of RFID to avoid modifying the ID. Since there was some overlap in the range of numbers between 840 and USA IDs, this policy ensures uniqueness of IDs. It is important that 840/USA are accurately indicated in the animalID as those IDs are the standards shared nationally and internationally.
- Ex:
IDs starting with 840: HO840003001000003
IDs starting with USA: HOUSA003001000001
For USA IDs that have more than 8 digits; the last number is a function of the previous ones. Therefore, it should match that function to be VALID .
For more information regarding the American ID regulations (from USDA-APHIS) please see: and
For the range of ID numbers for each breed/organization see AmerID.pdf
1 Breed field in queries are accepted as 3 byte Breed code, as per international standards. However, please note that in CDCB formats, breed codes are required to have 2 bytes as indicated in Reference 4
2 Sex field in queries is accepted in the ID. However, please note that in CDCB formats, sex codes is a separate field and cannot be included in the ID.