


Corrections to pedigree to resolve genomic conflicts

Animal ID is already used by other sex/breed

  • Reason : The registration number that you provide was already used by another animal that is preventing you from submitting a record of the animal.
  • Correction: Check source code of the animalID that is already in our system and enter the ID by assigning new ID to one of the animal
    • if Source code=B, then you should give a different tag to the animal and send format1 with the new ID
    • if source code=N, then you should give a different tag to the animal and send format1 with the new ID
    • if source code=D, then you should communicate with the DRPC to find out the solution (DRPC can confirm the ID with the customer).If duplicate ID was caused by an error at DRPC, they should provide new ID to the animal by re-ID. If you had
    • if source code is something else, contact CDCB customer service

Suggested dam not get accepted or gets blanked

  • Reason : The suggested dam does not get accepted most likely because of conflicts/discrepancies in the data. Two errors below are most common error that you get.
  • Correction
    • If "1Oj Input dam blanked" error then
      1. Correct MBC (@91) of the animal or the sibling so that close birth date of the siblings are explainable.
      2. OR correct the birth date of the animal/dam if incorrect birth date is stored CDCB database.
  • If "3Gg Calv >31 birth" error then
    1. Correct MBC (@91) of the animal to indicate the animal was born from surrogate dam, so that the discrepancy in birth date and calving date is ignored.
    2. OR correct the birth date of the animal if incorrect birth date is stored CDCB database.
  • If "3Gr Dam for existing animal has a birth date that is inconsistent with the animal's birth. Master file dam will be changed to blanks.", it is possible that this error was reported due to the dam being too young for the animal.
    1. If you confirm the dam is young for a reason (ovum extracted from the dam before puberty etc), you can request to accept the dam to CDCB genomic team through Redmine ticket.
      • Threshold of the rejection:
              if       ET:  304 days  (=10 months) 
              if verified:  456 days  (=15 months)
                     else:  547 days  (=18 months)

Update sire/dam for twins

When a pair of twins have incorrect sire/dam in the pedigree and the correct sire/dam is reported through their genotypes, the correct parent should be added to (or removed from) the pedigree.
However, the system does not allow you to have a different parent between the twins, therefore you will have to break the twin linkage first to add the parent, then get the twin relationship by following the steps below:

1. temporarily change the MBC to 3  (Remove TW, Twin, TWIN from the name if any)
2. update the sire/dam in both pedigrees 
3. change the MBC back to 2 (add TW, Twin, TWIN to the name if appropriate)

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