


Dealing with clone records

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are an industry cooperator with access to the CDCB industry queries, you can use the "Make Format 4" or "Make Format 1" function to create a record and then modify it based on the following information.

IMPORTANT NOTE (2): Cloned animals might have slightly different genomic evaluation results in the weekly genomic files. During monthly evaluations, in which all genotypes are involved in the evaluation, a normalization process occurs to ensure genotypes entering the imputation process are 100% matching. Such normalization process is responsible to yielding consistent results during monthlies. A similar normalization process occurs during the creation of the Format 38 during triannual runs. However, since weekly evaluations do not involve all genotypes, such normalization does not occur, which results in differences in SNP genotypes (due to a low % of genotyping error/variability and its impact on the imputation process) and, consequently, in differences in the genomic evaluations.

IMPORTANT NOTE (3): The clone records should be applied automatically if:
Two animals have the same parents, genotypes within 5% SNP errors AND :

1. If embryo and the live animal have the same sex, birth dates within 1400 days, and one genotype has MBC = 6 and the other one has MBC that is not 6.
2. If a pair of genotypes have the same sex, birth dates within10 days, and one genotype has MBC = 4 or 5 and the other MBC = 4 or 5.  
3. If both genotypes have MB = 2, they are considered identical twins.

If clone record did not get applied automatically due to the information above was not set correctly at initial data entry and two animal should be considered as having identical genotype (clone, split embryo, identical twin etc), then clone record should be submitted as below

  • Definitions:
    • DNA ID: Identity of the family member selected to identify the common nuclear DNA of the clonal family. AKA the original animal that was cloned.
    • Clone: An animal with identical nuclear DNA as the animal with the DNA ID through embryo splitting or nuclear transfer. Natural identical twins also can be accommodated by this system if their common DNA is confirmed.
  • To insert clone indicator:
    • Set animal ID (@3-19) to ID of clone animal
    • Set cross reference ID (@54-70) to DNA ID
    • Set record type code (@88) to C
  • To correct DNA ID:
    • Same as insert clone above; the specified DNA ID will replace existing DNA ID
  • To delete clone indicator:
    • Set animal ID (@3-19) to ID of clone animal
    • Set cross reference ID (@54-70) to DNA ID
    • Set record type code (@88) to N

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