


Corrections to pedigree - PUBLIC

General information

What to do in case many fields in animal pedigree are incorrect

  • Example cause: Pedigree information is wrong in more than 2 fields for one individual. The record may have the wrong animal ID.
  • Correction: Too many changes in a single Format 1 record will not be accepted to guard against the record having the wrong animal ID. If more than 2 changes in pedigree are required for a single individual, please submit multiple records for the same individual, each containing not more than two record changes. Although CDCB accepts more than two pedigree changes contemporarily, the algorithm that checks the integrity of the data may exclude the record if too many inconsistencies are reported. A correction code may be required for some change to be accepted.

How to create cross-references

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 record, following these instructions
    • Set preferred animal identification (@3-19)
    • Set sire identification (@20-36)
    • Set dam identification (@37-53)
    • Set cross-reference identification (@54-70)

How to manage partially known or unknown ID during submission

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 record, following these instructions
    • Partially Known or Unknown Identification:
      • Blank 2 position breed code if not known
      • Blank 3 position country code if not known
      • Blank 12 position identification number if not known
  • Partially Known Identification For Dams [Exception] (see Note 1 below)
    • Code 2 position DAM breed code any breed code other than the animal breed code (@3-4)
    • Blank 3 position DAM country code
    • Blank 12 position DAM identification number
Note 1: Acceptable Partial Known Identifications For Dam Only
  • Registry status code (@92-93) is "J1" and animal ID (@3-4) is "JE"
  • Registry status code (@92-93) is "RF" and animal ID (@3-4) is "BS"

Correction information

Correct the breed code

  • NOTE: this procedure will update BOTH breed in pedigree and genomic breed of evaluation
  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 record, following these instructions
    • set breed code to correct breed code (@3-4)
    • set cross reference ID (@54-70) to ID with incorrect breed code
    • set record type code (@88) to R
    • set pedigree verification code (@89) to 2
  • *If parent(s) is unknown and want to change the dam/sire/both's breed code
    • set breed code to correct breed code (@20-21 for sire/ @37-38 for dam )
    • set pedigree verification code (@89) to 7 for sire, 8 for dam and 9 for both
      NOTE: This can be done by breed association only

Correct the gender

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 record, following these instructions
    • set sex code to correct sex code (@2)
    • set cross reference ID (@54) to be the same as animal ID (@3)
    • set record type code (@88) to R
    • NOTE: source code (@79) can not be set to D

Correct the country code

  • Correction: Create and submit 2 consecutive Format 1 records, following these instructions
    • In the first row, create a cross-reference identifying the correct country code
      • set record type (@88) to P
    • In the second row, delete the ID with the incorrect country code

Correct animal ID (ReID)

  • NOTE: this procedure will DELETE the old id from CDCB database
  • If IDs are similar (e.g. they differ by a single number: e.g. HOUSA00000223*4*121 and HOUSA00000223*9*121), then do the following:
    • Create the Format 1 information for that old_id
      • The new_id must be inserted in the animal identification fields (@3-19)
      • The old_id must be inserted in the crossreference identification field (@54-70)
      • Set record type code (@88) to R
      • Set pedigree verification code (@89) to 2

Correct/add registered animal name

  • Correction: Create a Format 1 record, following these instructions:
    • The new_name must be inserted in the name of animal field (@100-129)
    • Set record type code (@88) to P
  • Removal: Create a Format 1 record, following these instructions:
    • Set record type code (@88) to P
    • Set pedigree verification code (@89) to 2
    • Blank the animal name field (@100-129)

Correct one parent (add, change or "blank")

  • Correction: Create a Format 1 record, following these instructions
    • set sire/dam ID to correct sire/dam ID
    • set pedigree verification code (@89) to 2 (For adding only; verification code is not required)/ set pedigree verification code (@89) to 3 for constructed dam ID
    • Confirmed parents (i.e. using genomic information) cannot be modified. Please submit a request explaining the situation to CDCB customer service.

Correct the birth date

  • Correction: Create a Format 1 record, following these instructions
    • set birth to correct birth
    • set pedigree verification code (@89) to 2
    • If the change is over 5 years multiple records will be needed so each record changes the birth date by less than 5 years. Only a breed source record can change a breed source pedigree. If the existing record is for an animal with lactations or progeny and the input record is not breed source, the birth date change can not be more than 90 days (400 days with verification). If the existing birth date is estimated and the input record is not breed source, the maximum change is 21 mo (638 days).

Switch parentage between two animals (sire and dam)

  • Correction: Create and submit three (3) Format 1 records, following these instructions in the exact order
    1. create a pedigree correction record for animal #1 with the correct Sire ID and the Dam ID set to blanks, set record type code (@88) to P and verification code (@89) to 1
    2. create a pedigree correction record for animal #2 with the correct Sire and Dam IDs, set record type code (@88) to P and verification code (@89) to 1
    3. create a pedigree correction record for animal #1 with the correct Dam ID, set record type code (@88) to P and verification code (@89) to 1

Change the preferred ID

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 records, following these instructions.
    • Cows
      • set animal ID (@3) to preferred ID
      • if the correct preferred ID is NOT in the database, set cross reference ID (@54) to previously preferred ID
    • Bulls
      1. remove previously preferred ID:
        • set animal ID (@3) to preferred ID
        • set cross reference ID (@54) to previously preferred ID
        • set record type code (@88) to Y
      2. re-add previously preferred ID, but not as the preferred ID:
        • set animal ID (@3) to new preferred ID from step 1 above
        • set cross reference ID (@54) to deleted ID from step 1 above
        • set record type code (@88) to P
      3. re-add bull name and/or registry status to non-preferred ID:
        • set animal ID (@3) to animal ID removed in step 1 above
        • set record type code (@88) to P

Correct a wrong parent when the correct parent is unknown

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 records, following these instructions.
    • Set the parent to 17 blanks and set pedigree verification code (@89) to 2

Correct the multi birth code

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 records, following these instructions.
    • Set the correct MBC (@91)

Deletion information

Delete a pedigree

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 records, following these instructions.
    • set record type code (@88) to D

Delete a record with no pedigree information:

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 records, following these instructions.
    • set record type code (@88) to D
    • set pedigree verification code (@89) to 2
    • set birth date (@71) to any valid date

Delete a cross-reference

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 records, following these instructions.
    • set animal ID (@3) to primary ID
    • set cross-reference ID (@54) to ID to be deleted
    • set record type code (@88) to Y
    • set pedigree verification code (@89) to 2

Delete a Constructed Dam (and prevent it from being re-created)

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 1 records, following these instructions.
    • set Dam ID (@37-53) to all blanks
    • set pedigree verification code (@89) to 3 (this will prevent to be re-created)

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