


Format 14 - PUBLIC


Miscellaneous - Formats used to exchange data between CDCB and partners


Format 14's include herd test day and yearly averages records.

Exchange protocol

CDCB receives Format14 records from DRPCs, together with Format4, on a regular basis.

Old (outdated) format

Old format

Current format

Field Description
1 1 X CH 13 Species code of the animals reported
2-3 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of herd (alpha only, no zeroes)
(If 75% or more of the cows or does in a herd are of one breed,
report it as the breed of herd. Otherwise, code as a mixed herd by using 'XX')
Herd Code Information
4-5 2 XX CH 5 State code
6-7 2 XX CH County code
8-11 4 XXXX CH Herd number
12-19 8 XX...XX CH Last sample date (YYYYMMDD)
20 1 X CH 108 127 Supervision code
21 1 X CH 127 Milking frequency
22 1 X CH 127 Milkings weighed
23 1 X CH 127 Milkings sampled
24-25 2 XX CH 103 127 Milk recorded days
26-27 2 XX CH 28 127 Type-of-test plan code
28 1 X CH 107 127 Testing method code
29 1 X CH 127 Herd on fat testing (1=yes 0=no)
30 1 X CH 127 Herd on protein testing (1=yes 0=no)
31 1 X CH 127 Herd on somatic cell testing (1=yes 0=no)
32 1 X CH 127 Herd was milked 3X (1=yes 0=no)
33-37 5 XXXXX CH 127 Total number of animals on test
38-42 5 XXXXX CH 127 Total number of animals in milk
43-45 3 XXX CH 116 127 Percentage of milk shipped
46-47 2 XX CH 16 127 Dairy records processing center (DRPC) code
48-50 3 XXX CH 117 127 Field Service Affiliate code
51 1 X CH 63 Production code
52-56 5 XXXX.X CH 128 Cow-years (or doe-years) in herd average (rounded to .1)
57-58 2 XX CH 128 Percent days in milk (100% = 99)
59 1 X CH 12 Weight reporting code
60-64 5 XXXXX CH 128 Milk (herd average to the nearest unit)
65-68 4 XXXX CH 128 Fat
69-72 4 XXXX CH 128 Protein
73-74 2 X.X CH 75 128 Somatic cell count (linear score)
75-77 3 XXX CH 76 128 Percent cow-days 3X
78-79 2 XX CH 77 128 Percent days open
80-81 2 XX CH 78 128 Age at calving or kidding in months
82-84 3 XXX CH 128 Percentage of herd registered (cow-year basis)
85-87 3 XXX CH 128 Herd average body weight (rounded to nearest 10 units)
88 1 X CH 74 Record use code
89-91 3 XXX CH 101 Percentage of animals completely identified
92-94 3 XXX CH 102 Percentage of cows with an ID change
95-100 6 XXXXXX CH 20 Processing Date (YYMMDD)
101-102 2 XX CH 129 Number of test days
103-104 2 XX CH 129 Number of supervised test days
105-106 2 XX CH 129 Number of tests with component samples
107-108 2 XX CH 129 Number of tests where all milkings for 24 hours were weighed
109-110 2 XX CH 129 Number of tests where all milkings for 24 hours were sampled
111-112 2 XX CH 129 Number of tests where milk yield reported was average of 2 or more days
113 1 X CH 118 Quality Certification (QC) Status
114-116 3 XXX CH 346 Laboratory code
117-119 3 XXX CH 161 Meter center code

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