



Format 38 - TEST


Genetic evaluations


The format 38 (38alloff.MYY) is used to release bull genetic evaluations (all except type traits).

Exchange protocol

CDCB releases this file 3 times a year, following the official release calendar. This file is public

Old (outdated) format

Old format

Alternative 38 formats

  • 38alloff - Official evaluation file. Includes genomics and the latest interbull data, when available.
  • 38id - Contains MGD and MGGS information. The format of this file is different: identical until byte 205 (Secondary NAAB codes), then it contains 2 more ids: MGD and MGGS.
  • 38all.trad - UNOFFICIAL traditional only (NO GENOMICS) evaluations, including MACE. Reports only domestic daughters/herds.
  • 38i - Interim evaluations (only yield traits for young animals adding daughters).
  • - U.S.-only evaluations for bulls with official Interbull evaluations
  • - Interbull evaluations for bulls with official U.S.-only evaluations

Location and details

These files are released compressed, encrypted and password-protected by 1 p.m., on the Friday prior to release date and placed in our public ftp at . The password to open the files is supplied at 7 a.m. on release day, in the file
Please note all files distributed by CDCB, have an LF (LINUX) End of Line (EOL) starting from September 2019. Prior to this date, zipped files had a DOS EOL.

Current format


Field Description
1 1 X CH 13 Species code
2-3 2 AA CH 404 Breed of evaluation
Bull's identification information
4-5 2 AA CH 4 Breed code (alpha code only, no zeros)
6-8 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
9-20 12 XX...XX CH Identification number (registration or eartag)
Sire's identification information
21-22 2 AA CH 4 Breed code (registration or eartag)
23-25 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
26-37 12 XX...XX CH Identification number (registration or eartag)
Dam's identification information
38-39 2 AA CH 4 Breed code (alpha code only, no zeros)
40-42 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
43-54 12 XX...XX CH Identification number (registration or eartag)
Maternal grandsire's identification information
55-56 2 AA CH 4 Breed code (registration or eartag)
57-59 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
60-71 12 XX...XX CH Identification number (registration or eartag)
Bull's dual registration identification information
72-73 2 AA CH 4 95 Breed code (alpha code only, no zeros)
74-76 3 AAA CH 119 95 Country code of ID origin
77-88 12 XX...XX CH 95 Identification number (registration or eartag)
89-96 8 XX...XX CH 88 Birth date (YYYYMMDD)
97-98 2 XX CH 130 145 Registry status code
99-128 30 AA...AA CH Registered name
129-148 20 AA...AA CH 95 145 Short AI name
149-154 6 XXXXXX CH 83 95 145 Date the bull entered AI (YYYYMM)
155 1 A CH 87 95 145 Sampling status
156-159 4 XXXX CH 87 95 145 Sampling controller number
160 1 A CH 35 94 95 145 Current status code
161-164 4 XXXX CH 95 145 NAAB bull controller number
165 1 X CH 95 145 Number of uniform NAAB sire codes assigned in following positions as well as columns 548-567
166-175 10 XXXAAXXXXX CH 95 145 Primary NAAB code
176-205 30 XXXAAXXXXX CH 95 145 Secondary NAAB codes (up to 3 additional codes)
Herd with most daughters
206-207 2 XX CH 5 145 State code
208-209 2 XX CH 145 County code
210-213 4 XXXX CH 145 Herd number
214-217 4 XXXX CH 33 95 145 Number of daughters in herd with most daughters
218-219 2 XX CH 5 33 145 State with most daughters
220-221 2 XX CH 33 95 145 Age at first calving (months)
222-224 3 XXX CH 145 Percent daughters with 1st lactation records from management plans (Type of test ≥ 40)
225-227 3 XX.X CH 145 Inbreeding coefficient of this bull (%)
228-230 3 XX.X CH 145 Average daughter inbreeding percent
231-233 3 XX.X CH 145 Expected future inbreeding (%) (EFI)
234-235 2 XX CH Reliability of yield (avg. of protein and milk-fat (MF) reliabilities, weighted by current component prices)
236-237 2 XX CH 33 95 Reliability of PTA daughter pregnancy rate (DPR)
238-242 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 PTA milk
243-244 2 XX CH 33 Reliability of PTA MF
245-248 4 +/-XXX CSL 33 95 PTA fat
249-251 3 +/-.XX CSL 33 PTA fat percentage
252-253 2 XX CH 33 Reliability of PTA protein
254-257 4 +/-XXX CSL 33 95 PTA protein
258-260 3 +/-.XX CSL 33 PTA protein percent
261-262 2 XX CH 95 Reliability of PTA productive life (PL)
263-265 3 +/-X.X CSL 95 PTA PL
266-267 2 XX CH 95 Reliability of PTA somatic cell score (SCS)
268-270 3 X.XX CH 95 PTA SCS
271-272 2 XX CH Reliability of net merit dollars (NM$)
273-277 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 Fluid merit dollars (FM$)
278-282 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 NM$
283-287 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 Cheese merit dollars (CM$)
288-289 2 AA CH 39 Net merit percentile
290-292 3 +/-X.X CSL 95 PTA DPR
293 1 A CH 156 Interbull usability code for DPR
294-296 3 XXX CH 39 145 Average number of DIM for first-lactation daughters (MF)
297-299 3 XXX CH 39 145 Average number of DIM for first-lactation daughters (protein)
300-302 3 X.XX CH 39 145 Average age weight of daughters for PL evaluation
303-305 3 XXX CH 149 Pedigree completeness %
306-308 3 XXX CH 39 145 Percent of daughter first-lactation records that are in progress (MF)
309-311 3 XXX CH 39 145 Percent of daughter first-lactation records that are in progress (protein)
312-316 5 XXXXX CH 33 95 Number of herds (DPR)
317-321 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (MF)
322-326 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (protein)
327-331 5 XXXXX CH 33 95 145 Number of herds (PL)
332-336 5 XXXXX CH 33 95 Number of herds (SCS)
337-341 5 XXXXX CH 33 95 Number of daughters (DPR)
342-346 5 XXXXX CH 33 41 Number of daughters (MF)
347-351 5 XXXXX CH 33 41 Number of daughters (protein)
352-356 5 XXXXX CH 95 145 41 Number of daughters (PL)
357-361 5 XXXXX CH 95 41 Number of daughters (SCS)
362 1 X CH 136 Interbull usability code for SCS
363 1 X CH 150 Interbull preferred ID code/Clonal evaluation source code
364 1 X CH 152 Interbull usability code for PL
365-367 3 X.XX CH 33 145 Average number of lactations per daughter (MF)
368-370 3 X.XX CH 33 145 Average number of lactations per daughter (protein)
371-373 3 XXX CH Heterosis coefficient
374-376 3 XXX CH 33 145 Average number of lactations in daughter management group (MF)
377-379 3 XXX CH 33 145 Average number of lactations in daughter management group (protein)
380-381 2 AA CH 4 Predominate breed for crossbred animals
382-384 3 XX.X CH 33 95 145 Average standardized DPR
385-389 5 XXXXX CH 33 145 Average standardized milk
390-393 4 XXXX CH 33 145 Average standardized fat yield
394-395 2 X.X CH 33 145 Average standardized fat percent
396-400 5 XXXXX CH 33 145 Average standardized milk (protein)
401-404 4 XXXX CH 145 Average standardized protein yield
405-406 2 X.X CH 33 145 Average standardized protein percent
407-409 3 XX.X CH 33 95 145 Average PL of daughters
410-412 3 X.XX CH 95 145 Average standardized SCS
413-414 2 XX CH Number of countries in evaluation
415-417 3 AAA CH 119 Country with most daughters
418-422 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 145 Daughter yield deviation (DYD) milk PTA milk change (interim summary)
423-426 4 +/-XXX CSL 33 95 145 DYD fat PTA fat change (interim summary)
427-429 3 +/-.XX CSL 33 95 145 DYD fat percent
430-434 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 145 DYD milk (protein)
435-438 4 +/-XXX CSL 33 145 DYD protein PTA protein change (interim summary)
439-441 3 +/-.XX CSL 33 95 145 DYD protein percent
442-445 4 +/-XX.X CSL 33 95 145 Daughter deviation for PL
446-449 4 +/-X.XX CH 95 145 Daughter deviation for SCS
450-451 2 XX CH 154 Percentage of predominate breed for crossbred animals
452-456 5 +/-XXXX CSL 145 Parent average (PA) milk
457-458 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (MF)
459-462 4 +/-XXX CSL 95 145 PA fat
463-464 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (protein)
465-468 4 +/-XXX CSL 95 145 PA protein
469-470 2 XX CH 95 145 Reliability of PA (PL)
471-473 3 +/-X.X CSL 95 145 PA PL
474-475 2 XX CH 95 145 Reliability of PA (SCS)
476-478 3 X.XX CH 95 145 PA SCS
479-481 3 XXX CH Percent of daughters in the US - Genomic bulls with no daughters are reported as 100% US
482 1 X CH 125 Interbull usability code for yield
483-484 2 AA CH 145 Herdbook identifier [North American (NA) or international (I-blank)]
485 1 A CH Evaluation restriction code (for CDCB and NAAB use only)
486-500 15 00...00 CH Zeroes: Available for future use
501-504 4 +/-XX.X CSL 95 Daughter deviation for DPR
505-507 3 +/-X.X CSL 95 PA DPR
508-509 2 XX CH 95 Reliability of PA DPR
510-514 5 +/-XXXX CSL PA NM$
515-516 2 XX CH 95 Reliability of PA NM$
517-520 4 +/-XX.X CSL 95 Sire conception rate (SCR)
521-522 2 XX CH Reliability of SCR
523-529 7 XX...XX CH 95 Number of breedings for SCR
Red and White or clonal evaluation source
identificaion information
530-531 2 AA CH 4 Breed code (alpha code only, no zeros)
532-534 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
535-546 12 XX...XX CH Identification number (registration or eartag)
547 1 X CH 160 Genomic indicator code
548-567 20 XXXAAXXXXX CH 95 145 Continuation of secondary NAAB codes (two codes)
Heifer conception rate (HCR) information
568-571 4 +/-XX.X CSL PTA HCR
572-573 2 XX CH Reliability of PTA HCR
574-578 5 XXXXX CH Number of herds (HCR)
579-584 6 XX...XX CH Number of daughters (HCR)
585 1 A CH Interbull usability code for HCR (0 domestic and official, 2 Interbull and official)
Cow conception rate (CCR) information
586-589 4 +/-XX.X CSL PTA CCR
590-591 2 XX CH Reliability of PTA CCR
592-596 5 XXXXX CH Number of herds (CCR)
597-602 6 XX...XX CH Number of daughters (CCR)
603 1 A CH Interbull usability code for CCR (0 domestic and official, 2 Interbull and official)
604-607 4 +/-XX.X CSL PA HCR
608-609 2 XX CH Reliability of PA HCR
610-613 4 +/-XX.X CSL PA CCR
614-615 2 XX CH Reliability of PA CCR
616-617 2 XX CH 162 Type of chip
618-621 4 +/-XX.X CSL Genomic inbreeding coefficient of this bull (%)
622-625 4 +/-XX.X CSL Genomic future inbreeding coefficient of this bull (%)
626-630 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 Grazing Merit dollars (GM$)
Livability information (introduced August 2016)
631-634 4 +/-XX.X CSL 33 PTA livability
635-636 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA livability
637-641 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (livability)
642-647 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (livability)
648-651 4 +/-XX.X CSL 145 Parent average (livability)
652-653 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (livability)
Gestation Length information (introduced August 2017)
654-656 3 +/-X.X CSL 33 PTA Gestation Length
657-658 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Gestation Length
659-663 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Gestation Length)
664-669 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Gestation Length)
670-672 3 +/-X.X CSL 145 Parent average (Gestation Length)
673-674 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Gestation Length)
Milk fever information (introduced April 2018)
675-678 4 +-XX.X CSL 33 PTA Milk Fever
679-680 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Milk Fever
681-685 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Milk Fever)
686-691 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Milk Fever)
692-695 4 +-XX.X CSL 145 Parent average (Milk Fever)
696-697 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Milk Fever)
Displaced abomasum information (introduced April 2018)
698-701 4 +-XX.X CSL 33 PTA Displaced abomasum
702-703 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Displaced abomasum
704-708 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Displaced abomasum)
709-714 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Displaced abomasum)
715-718 4 +-XX.X CSL 145 Parent average (Displaced abomasum)
719-720 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Displaced abomasum)
Ketosis information (introduced April 2018)
721-724 4 +-XX.X CSL 33 PTA Ketosis
725-726 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Ketosis
727-731 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Ketosis)
732-737 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Ketosis)
738-741 4 +-XX.X CSL 145 Parent average (Ketosis)
742-743 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Ketosis)
Mastitis information (introduced April 2018)
744-747 4 +-XX.X CSL 33 PTA Mastitis
748-749 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Mastitis
750-754 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Mastitis)
755-760 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Mastitis)
761-764 4 +-XX.X CSL 145 Parent average (Mastitis)
765-766 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Mastitis)
Metritis information (introduced April 2018)
767-770 4 +-XX.X CSL 33 PTA Metritis
771-772 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Metritis
773-777 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Metritis)
778-783 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Metritis)
784-787 4 +-XX.X CSL 145 Parent average (Metritis)
788-789 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Metritis)
Retained placenta information (introduced April 2018)
790-793 4 +-XX.X CSL 33 PTA Retained placenta
794-795 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Retained placenta
796-800 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Retained placenta)
801-806 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Retained placenta)
807-810 4 +-XX.X CSL 145 Parent average (Retained placenta)
811-812 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Retained placenta)
Early First Calving (introduced April 2019)
813-816 4 +-XX.X CSL 33 PTA Early First Calving
817-818 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Early First Calving
819-823 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Early First Calving)
824-829 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Early First Calving)
830-833 4 +-XX.X CSL 145 Parent average (Early First Calving)
834-835 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Early First Calving)
Heifer Livability
836-839 4 +-XX.X CSL 33 PTA Heifer Livability
840-841 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Heifer Livability
842-846 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Heifer Livability)
847-852 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Heifer Livability)
853-856 4 +-XX.X CSL 145 Parent average (Heifer Livability)
857-858 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Heifer Livability)
Feed Saved
859-863 5 +-XXXX CSL 33 PTA Feed Saved
864-865 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Feed Saved
866-870 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Feed Saved) (reporting BWC herds from August 2021)
871-876 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Feed Saved) (reporting BWC daughters from August 2021)
877-881 5 +-XXXX CSL 145 Parent average (Feed Saved)
882-883 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Feed Saved)
Residual Feed Intake (introduced August 2021)
884-888 5 +-XXXX CSL 33 PTA Residual Feed Intake
889-890 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Residual Feed Intake
891-895 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Residual Feed Intake)
896-901 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Residual Feed Intake)
902-906 5 +-XXXX CSL 145 Parent average (Residual Feed Intake)
907-908 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Residual Feed Intake)
Milking Speed (MSPD) (unpublished)
909-912 4 +-X.XX CSL 33 PTA Milking Speed (unpublished)
913-914 2 XX CH 33 Reliabilty of PTA Milking Speed (unpublished)
915-919 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Milking Speed) (unpublished)
920-925 6 XXXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (Milking Speed) (unpublished)
926-929 4 +-X.XX CSL 145 Parent average (Milking Speed) (unpublished)
930-931 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Milking Speed) (unpublished)

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