


Format 41 - PUBLIC


Genetic evaluations


Format 41's are used to release cow type genetic evaluations.

Exchange protocol

CDCB releases this format to the breed associations only 3 times a year, following the official release calendar

Old (outdated) format

Old format

Location and details

This file is sent to breed associations' private folders. Please note all files distributed by CDCB, have an LF (LINUX) End of Line (EOL) starting from September 2019. Prior to this date, zipped files had a DOS EOL.
The file is distributed zipped.

Current format

Field Description
1 1 X CH 13 Species code
Animal identification information
2-3 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of animal (alpha code only, no zeros)
4-6 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
7-18 12 AA...AA CH Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
Sire identification information
19-20 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of animal (alpha code only, no zeros)
21-23 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
24-35 12 AA...AA CH Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
36-43 8 XX...XX CH Birthdate of animal (YYYYMMDD)
Last herd of cow
44-45 2 XX CH 5 State code
46-47 2 XX CH County code
48-51 4 XXXX CH Herd number
52-59 8 XX...XX CH Last appraisal date of animal (YYYYMMDD)
60 1 X CH Number of appraisals
Linear trait information
61-62 2 XX CH Last score for individual type trait
63-65 3 +/-X.X CSL PTA for individual type trait
66-67 2 XX CH Reliability of PTA for individual type trait
68-172 105 XX...XX CH 51 Repeat bytes 61-67 for 15 other Linear traits
Rear legs (rear view) trait information
173-174 2 XX CH Last score for individual type trait
175-177 3 +/-X.X CSL PTA for individual type trait
178-179 2 XX CH Reliability of PTA for individual type trait
180 1 X CH Evaluation source code: 0 - U.S.; 1 - U.S. Genomic
Mobility trait information (Brown Swiss and Milking Shorthorn only)
181-182 2 XX CH Last score for individual type trait
183-185 3 +/-X.X CSL PTA for individual type trait
186-187 2 XX CH Reliability of PTA for individual type trait
Milking Speed trait information (Brown Swiss and Milking Shorthorn only)
188-189 2 XX CH Last score for individual type trait
190-192 3 XXX CH PTA for individual type trait
193-194 2 XX CH Reliability of PTA for individual type trait
Rear teat placement rear trait informatrion (Jersey only)
195-196 2 XX CH Last score for individual type trait
197-199 3 +/-X.X CSL PTA for individual type trait
200-201 2 XX CH Reliability of PTA for individual type trait
Rear teat placement side trait informatrion (Jersey only)
202-203 2 XX CH Last score for individual type trait
204-206 3 +/-X.X CSL PTA for individual type trait
207-208 2 XX CH Reliability of PTA for individual type trait

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