


Format 7 - PUBLIC


Miscellaneous - Formats used to exchange data between CDCB and partners


Format 7's include type trait appraisal records.

Exchange protocol

CDCB receives Format7 records from breeder associations (except HAUSA) on a tri-annual basis.

Old (outdated) format

Old format

Typerr file

At each submission, breed associations receive a typerr.[fmt7] file reporting all rejected appraisal records.
Below, an explanation of the type of error and how they are reported in the typerr file.

Type of error Error reported in typerr file
Herd code is invalid (0000000 or completely missing) Bad Herd code
ID not found in ID/Pedigree tables No Ped
DOB not provided, or invalid (e.g. not numeric, negative value) Bad Birth
Non numeric byte from position 18 to 90 Bad Char at (byte)
Invalid appraisal date Bad app date
Appraisal date in the future (from day of processing) High app date
Invalid calving date Bad Fresh date
Fresh date higher than appraisal date Fresh > appraisal
Lactation number (bytes 54-55)is blank Lac No Blank
Appraisal date prior to 1980 App date < 1980
Age > 240mo or < 15mo Age=[age_in_Months] > 240 or < 15
Action code (byte 103) higher than 2 Action > 2
Action code (byte 103) <0 Bad Action code
Appraisal <1 or > highest value (80/50 depending on breed/trait) Bad Score
Data existing and not replaced No Replace
No record in database and action code=2 No rec to delete (or Not Found)
No record in database and action code=1 No rec to update (or Not Found)
Identical record in database and action code=0 (duplicate) Dup
Different record in database and action code=0 (missmatch) Replace not requested

Current format

Field Description
1 1 X CH 13 Species code of the animal
Animal Identification Information
2-3 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of animal (alpha code only, no zeros)
4-6 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
7-18 12 AA...AA CH Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
19-26 8 XX...XX CH Date of appraisal (YYYYMMDD)
27-34 8 XX...XX CH Birth date of animal (YYYYMMDD)
Appraisal Herd Code Information
35-36 2 XX CH 5 State code
37-38 2 XX CH County code
39-42 4 XXXX CH Herd number
43-45 3 XXX CH Appraiser code
46-53 8 XX...XX CH Date of last calving (YYYYMMDD)
54-55 2 XX CH Lactation number
56* 1 X CH 132 Stage of lactation
57-58 2 XX CH Stature score
59-60 2 XX CH Strength score
61-62 2 XX CH Dairy form score
63-64 2 XX CH Foot angle score
65-66 2 XX CH Rear legs (side view) score
67-68 2 XX CH Body depth score
69-70 2 XX CH Rump angle score
71-72 2 XX CH Thurl width score
73-74 2 XX CH Fore udder attachment score
75-76 2 XX CH Rear udder height score
77-78 2 XX CH Rear udder width score
79-80 2 XX CH Udder depth score
81-82 2 XX CH Suspensory ligament score
83-84 2 XX CH Front teat placement score
85-86 2 XX CH Teat length score
87-88 2 XX CH Final score (used for PTA)
89-90 2 XX CH Alternative final score
91-92 2 AA CH Miscellaneous code 1 or code "XT" indicating
2 additional traits may follow (00 indicates not reported)
93-94 2 AA CH Rear legs (rear view) or Miscellaneous code 2
95-96 2 AA CH Milking speed or Miscellaneous code 3
97-102 6 AA..AA CH Miscellaneous codes 4-6
103* 1 X CH 133 Action code

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