


Corrections to production (DRPC ONLY) - PUBLIC

General information

This page is for the submission of Format 4 records, therefore restricted only to DRPC partners. Nominators, Labs or Breeds should not follow these instructions.
Note that corrections and deletions to data related to pedigree in format 4's are available in Corrections to pedigree

Correction information

Note that corrections to data related to pedigree in format 4's are available in Corrections to pedigree

Correct the calving date

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 4 record, following these instructions:
    • new calving date must be within 60 days of incorrect calving date (existing record)
    • existing and new record do not form a termination code 8 followed by termination code 9 sequence
    • existing record must be a RIP
    • both records must be from the same herd
    • cow did not change herds during lactation
    • new processing date must be later than existing record's processing date, unless corrected or verified (@127 set to 1 or 2)
    • test-day data MUST be submitted with the new calving date; it will NOT be transferred from the old calving date

Correct lactation DIM with matching calving and herd

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 4 record, following these instructions:
    • set herd code (@107) to herd code you want to modify
    • set lactation type code (@126) to A
    • set lactation verification code (@127) to 2
    • set calving date (@128) to calving date you want to modify
    • set DIM (@136) to DIM you want the lactation DIM to be. All test days and reproductive events after this DIM will be deleted

Delete information (production)

Note that Delete information for pedigree information is available in Corrections to pedigree

Delete a record with no pedigree information:

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 4 record, following these instructions:
    • set record type code (@88) to D
    • set pedigree verification code (@89) to 2
    • set birth date (@71) to any valid date

Delete all records for a cow:

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 4 record, following these instructions:
    • set herd code (@107) to 00000000
    • set lactation type code (@126) to 5
    • set lactation verification code (@127) to 2
    • set calving date (@128) to 00000000
    • set DIM (@136) to 000
    • set Number of Test Day segments (@249) to 00
    • OBS: This will also delete Reproductive and Health records of the cow
  • Format 4 record example:
    0FHOUSA00023WFL1083HO840003013129308HOUSA00023NNN0653                 20170914D20170929L026  000000040702100000000  183      5200000000000

Delete all records with matching herd:

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 4 record, following these instructions:
    • set herd code (@107) to herd code you want to delete
    • set lactation type code (@126) to 6
    • set lactation verification code (@127) to 2
    • set calving date (@128) to 00000000
    • set DIM (@136) to 000

Delete all records with matching calving:

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 4 record, following these instructions:
    • set herd code (@107) to 00000000
    • set lactation type code (@126) to 7
    • set lactation verification code (@127) to 2
    • set calving date (@128) to calving date you want to delete
    • set DIM (@136) to 000

Delete all records with matching calving, herd:

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 4 record, following these instructions:
    • set herd code (@107) to herd code you want to delete
    • set lactation type code (@126) to 9
    • set lactation verification code (@127) to 2
    • set calving date (@128) to calving date you want to delete
    • set DIM (@136) to 000

Delete one testday record with matching calving, herd, and DIM:

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 4 record, following these instructions:
    • set herd code (@107) to herd code you want to delete
    • set lactation type code (@126) to 8
    • set lactation verification code (@127) to 2
    • set calving date (@128) to calving date you want to delete
    • set DIM (@136) to DIM you want to delete

delete more than one reproductive event with matching calving, herd:

  • Correction: Create and submit Format 4 record, following these instructions:
    • set herd code (@107) to herd code you want to modify
    • set lactation type code (@126) to A
    • set lactation verification code (@127) to 2
    • set calving date (@128) to calving date you want to modify
    • set number of reproductive events (@136) to 01
    • set date of reproductive event (@139) to maximum event date. All events after this date will be deleted

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